

全球行业分类标准 - 免责声明
IHS Global Limited - 免责声明
Markit PMI - 版权声明
穆迪 - 免责声明
摩根士丹利资本 - 国际免责声明
标准普尔 - 免责声明

全球行业分类标准 - 免责声明回到顶部 ^

除非另有说明,否则汇丰环球研究(HSBC Global Research)使用全球行业分类标准的分类结构:

全球行业分类标准(Global Industry Classification Standard)由摩根士丹利资本国际公司(Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. ,简称“摩根士丹利资本国际”)以及麦格劳 - 希尔公司(The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.)旗下标准普尔(Standard & Poor's,简称“标准普尔”)所开发,且为其专有资产和服务商标,并被许可由汇丰银行公司(HSBC Bank plc)使用。摩根士丹利资本国际、标准普尔以及参与制定或编制全球行业分类标准或任何全球行业分类标准分类的任何第三方均不就此等标准或分类(或使用此等标准或分类得到的结果)作出任何明示或暗示的保证或陈述,且前述人士在此明确声明,不就任何此类标准或分类的原创性、准确性、完整性、适销性和针对特定用途的适用性承担任何保证。在不限制前述声明的情况下,即便已被告知了损害发生的可能性,摩根士丹利资本国际及其关联机构、标准普尔及其关联机构以及参与制定或编制全球行业分类标准或任何全球行业分类标准分类的任何第三方在任何情况下都不会对任何直接、间接、特殊、惩罚性、后果性或任何其他的损害(包括利润损失)承担任何责任。

IHS Global Limited- 免责声明回到顶部 ^

本文所指的IHS Information (简称“IHS信息”)是 IHS Global Limited (简称“IHS”)及其关联公司及/或其渠道的受版权保护的财产,IHS信息是代表IHS及其渠道刊发的数据、研究、观点或陈述,而非对事实的陈述。IHS信息应以其最初发布尔日期(而非截至本文的日期)为基准日。如果IHS信息中表达的信息和观点被变更,IHS将不另行通知,且IHS没有义务或责任更新IHS信息。此外,尽管本文所载的IHS信息来自被认为可靠的渠道,其准确性和完整性并非是经保证的,且基于本文所载的IHS信息的意见和分析也并非经保证的。在法律允许的范围内,IHS不对由于依赖IHS信息或此文的任何陈述或由于任何遗漏而导致的任何错误、遗漏、损失、损害或费用承担任何责任。本IHS信息由IHS提供且仅供参考,未经IHS事先书面同意,对IHS信息的任何部分均不得以任何形式复制、重新利用、转载或以其他方式分发。经IHS许可转载或重新发布的内容,必须显示IHS的法律声明和作者归属。IHS和IHS globe design(环球设计)便是IHS的商标。 出现在IHS信息中的其他商标是IHS或其应对商标所有权人的财产。

Markit PMI - 版权声明回到顶部 ^

当在汇丰环球研究(HSBC Global Research)报告中使用Markit PMI数据时,请注意以下版权声明: “版权所有 © 2015, Markit Economics Limited。 Markit Economics Limited保留所有权利及所有知识产权”。

穆迪 - 免责声明回到顶部 ^

© 2014 Moody's Analytics, Inc. 及/或其许可人和关联机构(统称“穆迪”)。版权所有。此处包含的信息受法律(包括但不限于著作权法)保护,未经穆迪事先书面许可,任何人不得以任何形式、方式或方法复制或以其他方式复刻、重组、进一步传输、转移、传播、重新发布、转售全部或部分此等信息,或将全部或部分此等信息进行存储并后续用于任何前述之目的。本文所包含的所有信息均由穆迪从其相信准确可靠的来源处获取。但是,由于人工或机械错误以及其他可能的因素,本文中包含的所有信息均是基于没有任何保证的现状提供的。在任何情况下,穆迪都不对任何人或实体就以下内容承担任何责任:(a)由穆迪或其任何董事、高级职员、员工或代理人的控制之内或之外的任何错误(疏忽或其他错误)、其他情况或意外事件所导致的与采购、收集、编辑、分析、解释、传播、出版或传递任何此等信息有关的全部或部分的损失或损害;或(b)任何直接、间接、特殊、后果性、补偿性或偶然性的损害(包括但不限于利润损失),即使穆迪事先被告知了由于使用或不使用任何此等信息而可能导致此等损害的可能性。构成本文所包含信息的评级、财务报告分析、预测和其他观察(如有)是且应该仅被解释为意见陈述,而不是事实陈述或购买、出售或持有任何证券的建议。对于任何此类评级或其他意见或信息的准确性、及时性、完整性、适销性或适用性,穆迪不论以任何形式或方式给予或作出任何明示或暗示的保证。每一个评级或其他意见应该仅作为使用本文所包含信息的任何用户或其代表所作出的任何投资决定中的一个参考因素,且每位该等用户在考虑购买、持有或出售的每个证券时,都应该相应地对其每个证券、每个证券的发行人和担保人以及每个证券的增信人进行独立的研究和评估。

摩根士丹利资本国际 - 免责声明 回到顶部 ^

摩根士丹利资本国际公司(MSCI Inc.,简称“摩根士丹利资本国际”)采集的信息是摩根士丹利资本国际的专有资产。未经摩根士丹利资本国际事先书面许可,不得对本信息及摩根士丹利资本国际的任何其他知识产权复制、传播或用于创建任何金融产品,包括任何指数。这些信息是以基于其现状提供的。信息使用者承担使用该等信息的全部风险。摩根士丹利资本国际及其关联机构以及涉及或与计算或汇编信息相关的任何第三方在此明确声明,其不承担对于任何此类信息的原创性、准确性、完整性、适销性或针对特定用途的适用性的所有保证。在不限制前述声明的任何情况下,摩根士丹利资本国际及其关联机构以及涉及或与计算或汇编信息相关的任何第三方不对任何形式的任何损失承担任何责任。摩根士丹利资本国际和摩根士丹利资本国际指数是摩根士丹利资本国际及其关联机构的服务商标。

标准普尔-免责声明回到顶部 ^

Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC 2014 版权所有。除经标准普尔金融服务有限责任公司(Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC)(联同其关联机构统称“标准普尔”)事先书面许可外,不得以任何形式复制标准普尔信用评级(S&P Credit Ratings)。标准普尔不保证任何信息(包括评级)的准确性、完整性、及时性或适用性;标准普尔不对因任何原因导致的任何错误或遗漏(疏忽或其他遗漏)负责;标准普尔不对使用评级所得的结果负责。标准普尔没有作出任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于对适销性或针对特定用途或适用性的任何保证。标准普尔不对任何使用评级造成的直接、间接、附带、示范性、补偿性、惩罚性、特殊性或后果性损害、成本、费用、法律费用或损失(包括由于疏忽造成的收入损失、利润损失、机会成本或机会损失)承担任何责任。标准普尔的评级是对观点的陈述而非对事实的陈述;标准普尔的评级不是对购买、持有或出售证券的建议。它们不论述证券的市场价值或证券的投资适当性,且不应该作为投资建议般被依赖。

Third Party Disclaimers

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IHS Global Limited - Disclaimer Notice
Markit PMI - Copyright Notice
Moody's - Disclaimer Notice
MSCI - Disclaimer Notice
Standard & Poors - Disclaimer Notice

GICS - Disclaimer noticego to top ^

Unless otherwise stated, HSBC Global Research uses the GICS classification structure:

The Global Industry Classification Standard ("GICS") was developed by and is the exclusive property and a service mark of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. ("MSCI") and Standard & Poor's, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. ("S&P") and is licensed for use by HSBC Bank plc. Neither MSCI, S&P nor any third party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications makes any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to such standard or classification (or the results to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of such standard or classification. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, S&P, any of their affiliates or any third party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

IHS Global Limited - Disclaimer Noticego to top ^

The IHS Information referenced herein (the "IHS Information") is the copyrighted property of IHS Global Ltd, its affiliates and/or its sources and represents data, research, opinions or viewpoints published by IHS and/or its sources, and are not representations of fact. The IHS Information speaks as of the original publication date thereof (and not as of the date of this document). The information and opinions expressed in the IHS Information are subject to change without notice and IHS has no duty or responsibility to update the IHS Information. Moreover, while the IHS Information reproduced herein is from sources considered reliable, the accuracy and completeness thereof is not warranted, nor are the opinions and analyses which are based upon it. To the extent permitted by law, IHS shall not be liable for any errors or omissions or any loss, damage or expense incurred by reliance on the IHS Information or any statement contained herein, or resulting from any omission. This IHS Information is being provided as a courtesy by IHS for contextual purposes only and no portion of the IHS Information may be reproduced, reused, republished or otherwise distributed in any form without the prior written consent of IHS. Content reproduced or redistributed with IHS' permission must display IHS' legal notices and attributions of authorship. IHS and the IHS globe design are trademarks of IHS. Other trademarks appearing in the IHS Information are the property of IHS or their respective owner.

Markit PMI - Copyright Noticego to top ^

Where Markit PMI data is used within HSBC Global Research reports, please note the following copyright notice: “Copyright © 2015, Markit Economics Limited. All rights reserved and all intellectual property rights retained by Markit Economics Limited.”

Moody's - Disclaimer Noticego to top ^

© 2014 Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or its licensors and affiliates (collectively, "MOODY'S"). All rights reserved. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROTECTED BY LAW, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COPYRIGHT LAW, AND NONE OF SUCH INFORMATION MAY BE COPIED OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED, REPACKAGED, FURTHER TRANSMITTED, TRANSFERRED, DISSEMINATED, REDISTRIBUTED OR RESOLD, OR STORED FOR SUBSEQUENT USE FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN ANY FORM OR MANNER OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, BY ANY PERSON WITHOUT MOODY'S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. All information contained herein is obtained by MOODY'S from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error as well as other factors, however, all information contained herein is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. Under no circumstances shall MOODY'S have any liability to any person or entity for (a) any loss or damage in whole or in part caused by, resulting from, or relating to, any error (negligent or otherwise) or other circumstance or contingency within or outside the control of MOODY'S or any of its directors, officers, employees or agents in connection with the procurement, collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation, communication, publication or delivery of any such information, or (b) any direct, indirect, special, consequential, compensatory or incidental damages whatsoever (including without limitation, lost profits), even if MOODY'S is advised in advance of the possibility of such damages, resulting from the use of or inability to use, any such information. The ratings, financial reporting analysis, projections, and other observations, if any, constituting part of the information contained herein are, and must be construed solely as, statements of opinion and not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, sell or hold any securities. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY SUCH RATING OR OTHER OPINION OR INFORMATION IS GIVEN OR MADE BY MOODY'S IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. Each rating or other opinion must be weighed solely as one factor in any investment decision made by or on behalf of any user of the information contained herein, and each such user must accordingly make its own study and evaluation of each security and of each issuer and guarantor of, and each provider of credit support for, each security that it may consider purchasing, holding, or selling.

MSCI - Disclaimer Notice go to top ^

The MSCI sourced information is the exclusive property of MSCI Inc. (MSCI). Without prior written permission of MSCI, this information and any other MSCI intellectual property may not be reproduced, redisseminated, or used to create any financial products, including any indices. This information is provided on an "as is" basis. The user assumes the entire risk of any use made of this information. MSCI, its affiliates and any third party involved in, or related to, computing or compiling the information hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of this information. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, any of its affiliates or any third party involved in. or related to, computing or compiling the information have any liability for any damages of any kind. MSCI and the MSCI indexes are services marks of MSCI and its affiliates.

Standard & Poors - Disclaimer Noticego to top ^

Copyright 2014, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. Reproduction of S&P Credit Ratings in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC (together with its affiliates, S&P). S&P does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of any information, including ratings, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions (negligent or otherwise), regardless of the cause, or for the results obtained from the use of ratings. S&P GIVES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. S&P shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including lost income or profits and opportunity costs or losses caused by negligence) in connection with any use of Ratings. S&P's ratings are statements of opinions and are not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, hold or sell securities. They do not address the market value of securities or the suitability of securities for investment purposes, and should not be relied on as investment advice.